
I’m fast approaching my 5th year in Australia since moving out from the UK. And honestly, I have never once looked back. I still love England (dearly), but for now I’m settled in Australia and more than happy to trade under the name; Expat. So, why...

[caption id="attachment_644" align="alignright" width="300" caption="One of the many SoM outings I won't forget."][/caption]Earlier this month my time at Switched on Media came to an end after I  decided to accept an exciting opportunity as Senior SEO Manager at Mindshare Australia, something I'm incredibly excited about...

You may already know I’m from the UK. But what you probably didn’t know was how I came to be in Australia. Well its all down to one special lady, Morgan Farrell. Morgs is my lovely lady friend of 2 years. I met hear just after...